Webinar 4: Gender and Green and Sustainable Chemistry

Watch the recording on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hD0_23u9vcI
New approaches of green and sustainable chemistry want to transform the chemicals sector and its traditional ways of thinking to provide safer alternatives and to contribute to sustainable development. But what can green and sustainable chemistry mean from a gender perspective? In our fourth webinar, we want to discuss with you how gender justice could and should be included in the approaches and brainstorm how a gender-just green and sustainable world of chemistry would look like.
Guest Speakers:
Prof. Dr. Klaus Kümmerer – Director ISC3 Research & Education Hub, Leuphana University Lüneburg
Dr. Hans-Christian Stolzenberg – German SAICM Focal Point, German Environment Agency
Regina Schreiber – Gender Equality Officer of the German Environment Agency
The webinar was held on the 1st of December 2020.
Photos and illustrations: photos by ThisisEngineering RAEng on Unsplash, ©Leuphana/Patrizia Jäger, ©Hans-Christian Stolzenberg, ©Carolin Mäder.