
MSP Institute issues an occasional newsletter about gender and chemicals. It contains updates from our project work, as well as information from the broader gender and chemicals community and international chemicals and waste management policy processes, especially SAICM.

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You can also contact us if you would like to contribute a piece for the next newsletter edition.

Newsletter 2024:

First Assembly of the G&CP
The Gender & Chemicals Partnership (G&CP), a coalition of international stakeholders dedicated to addressing the pollution crisis with a gender-responsive approach, held its first Assembly on November 18-19, 2024 in Berlin, Germany. The event represents a foundational step in integrating gender perspectives into the management of chemicals and wastes worldwide.
You can find more information at the G&CP website.

Correspondence in the Lancet – Planetary Health
At a time when chemical management and governance are high on scientific and political agendas, we, together with colleagues, call on the scientific community to integrate gender into research on chemical pollution.
You can find the correspondence here:
Wang, Mengjiao et al.
The Lancet Planetary Health, Volume 8, Issue 9, e611

New Project – GFC GAP
Since September 2024, MSP Institute, in collaboration with the G&CP, is cooperating with the GFC Secretariat (at UNEP) to develop the draft of a Gender Action Plan for the Global Framework on Chemicals, with the objective of mainstreaming a gender perspective in the implementation of the GFC.
More information about the GFC can be found here

New Team Members
We welcome our new team members Maria E. Gonzalez Anaya, Associate and Project Lead of the GFC GAP project, and Michèle Kolmitz, Project Coordinator for gender and chemicals.
We would like to thank Pia Cimander, our former student assistant, who supported our work until April this year.
You can find more information about our team here

Further publications, articles and events:
A/79/163: Gender and hazardous substances – Report of the Special Rapporteur on the implications for human rights of the environmentally sound management and disposal of hazardous substances and wastes, by Marcos Orellana. The report can be found here

Thank you and happy holidays!
We thank you for your kind support and interest in our work for a gender-responsive chemicals management!
We wish you happy holidays!
The MSP Institute